TPR. #1 Trusted Choice for
Patent Alerts and Watches
For decades, the most innovative corporations and top IP law firms have relied definitively on Patent Alerts and Watches from TPR to monitor competitors and stay ahead of the technology curve.
- Worldwide Patents for All Technologies
- Trusted for Decades by Fortune 500 and Top IP Law Firms
- Deep Subject Matter Experts covering Engineering, Life Sciences and Chemistry
- Access to Hundreds of Databases, Resources and Search Tools
- Multi-Country, Multi-Language Options
Patent Alerts | Technology Watches | Patent Watches
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TPR is your trusted search advisor and we're here to help.
Alternatively, email or call 858.592.9084 to speak directly with a TPR Search Specialist.
Client Testimonial
"TPR is a top tier patent search firm. Their communication is outstanding, and their search results are consistently on budget and on point. I can’t recommend them highly enough!"

Justin L. Krieger
Managing Partner, Denver Office
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

Accurate, Timely Patent Alerts and Watches

Resources, Coverage and Foreign Language Options
TPR provides a tailored approach that is most effective for your given technology and purpose:
- Worldwide online databases for patent and non-patent literature
- Keyword and classification-based searching, plus subject-specific coding/indexing
- Monitor by Technology, Classes, Assignee, Inventor, Legal Status, etc.
TPR’s on the ground coverage in key countries around the world means that your search can optionally be conducted in local native languages for the most penetrating search results.

Aligned with Your IP Interests and R&D Strategies
We provide the insight for you to make confident business decisions and maintain the quality and strength of your IP portfolio
- Stay abreast of patents and applications of interest
- Monitor competitor activity to determine if there may be infringement on your patent(s)
- Guide your R&D efforts
- Identify and take quick action for time-sensitive patent office matters
The highest quality patent searches conducted by true professionals, each and every time.
Deep Subject Matter Expertise
With tens of thousands of searches under our belt, you can be assured of TPR’s technical search capabilities in both established and rapidly-developing technologies. We apply our exceptional searching proficiency and specialist subject knowledge to align with your search objectives and guarantee results that are the perfect fit.
Life Sciences and Chemistry
“Very knowledgeable and always quick to respond. Great collaborators!”
Patent Information Professional, Biotechnology Company
Monitor Patents and Technologies
Without Missing a Beat
Request an estimate or make an inquiry.
TPR is your trusted advisor for all your patent and literature searching needs.
Alternatively, email or call 858.592.9084 to speak directly with a TPR Search Specialist.
Request an estimate or make an inquiry.
TPR is your trusted advisor for all your patent and literature searching needs.
Alternatively, email or call 858.592.9084 to speak directly with a TPR Search Specialist.
Helpful Insights
and case studies of success

Global Patent Filing Slowdown? Using Patent Landscapes and R&D Investment Trends to Assess
Today, staying ahead of competitors means more than just protecting your intellectual property—it requires understanding the bigger picture. Many of our clients think of patent landscapes as tools for avoiding infringement, identifying acquisition targets,...
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2023 Update on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Patent Searching
This new article dives into the state of artificial intelligence (AI) as it relates to the patent search...
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Competitor Patent Landscape Analysis – A Case Study
This real-life case study shows how a resourceful patent attorney involved an outside patent search firm to...
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