TPR. #1 Trusted Choice for All Your Technical Search Needs
Our information professionals approach the simplest tasks or most complex queries with equal passion, and their industry-gained insight enables the right approach to finding the information you need.
- Inventor, Author, Assignee
- Legal Status
- Accelerated Exam
- Library Date Stamp
- Library Page-Turning and Product Specs
- Scientific and Regulatory
- Author Searches for USCIS Visas
- Other Custom Searches
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TPR is your trusted search advisor and we're here to help.
Alternatively, email or call 858.592.9084 to speak directly with a TPR Search Specialist.
Cohesive Search Strategies for
Timely, Relevant Knowledge
Inventor, Author, Assignee Searches
Legal Status Searches
TPR can perform on-demand searches of legal status information throughout the patent lifecycle, as well as provide patent watches to alert you whenever there is a change in the legal status of a patent.
Accelerated Exam Searches
Library Date Stamp
Library Page-Turning and Product Specs
Scientific and Regulatory Searching and Writing
Bodies such at the FDA and EMEA require certain regulatory reports regarding drug safety, etc. Systematic Reviews are special reports that are required within the pharmaceutical and therapeutics industry. TPR has a team of biomedical experts that searches and compiles these and other reports needed for research, competitive intelligence purposes and safety compliance.
More on Scientific Literature Searches
Author Searches for USCIS Work or Immigration Visas
Custom Searching
Do you have a unique challenge not listed in our standard services? We can help.
From knowing the right questions to ask, to developing a cohesive, well-considered search strategy, to efficiently searching relevant databases and source libraries, our team knows what it takes to deliver to our clients what matters the most – timely, relevant knowledge.
Contact Us to discuss your special requirements, Contact Us
Deep Subject Matter Expertise
With tens of thousands of searches under our belt, you can be assured of TPR’s technical search capabilities in both established and rapidly-developing technologies. We apply our exceptional searching proficiency and specialist subject knowledge to align with your search objectives and guarantee results that are the perfect fit.
Life Sciences and Chemistry
“The search results and the service from TPR are consistently excellent!”
Senior Librarian, Pharmaceutical Company
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TPR is your trusted advisor for all your patent and literature searching needs.
Alternatively, email or call 858.592.9084 to speak directly with a TPR Search Specialist.
Request an estimate or make an inquiry.
TPR is your trusted advisor for all your patent and literature searching needs.
Alternatively, email or call 858.592.9084 to speak directly with a TPR Search Specialist.
Helpful Insights
and case studies of success

Global Patent Filing Slowdown? Using Patent Landscapes and R&D Investment Trends to Assess
Today, staying ahead of competitors means more than just protecting your intellectual property—it requires understanding the bigger picture. Many of our clients think of patent landscapes as tools for avoiding infringement, identifying acquisition targets,...
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2023 Update on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Patent Searching
This new article dives into the state of artificial intelligence (AI) as it relates to the patent search...
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A Guide to Hidden Prior Art – Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg.
How can you be sure that your patent and non-patent literature search results don’t only represent the...
All Case Studies & GuidesNeed Expert Help On a Search?
We know where to look. Our experienced Project Managers are here to guide you on your next search.